#Overview of The 2019 Novel #Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): The #Pathogen of Severe Specific Contagious #Pneumonia (SSCP) (J Chin Med Assoc., abstract)

[Source: US National Library of Medicine, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]

J Chin Med Assoc 2020 Feb 11 [Online ahead of print]

Overview of The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): The Pathogen of Severe Specific Contagious Pneumonia (SSCP)

Yi-Chi Wu 1, Ching-Sung Chen 1, Yu-Jiun Chan 1 2 3

Affiliations: 1 Division of Microbiology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
3Institute of Public Health, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.

PMID: 32049687 DOI: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000270



In late December 2019 a previous unidentified coronavirus, currently named as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), emerged from Wuhan, China and resulted in a formidable outbreak in many cities in China and expanding globally, including Thailand, Republic of Korea, Japan, USA, Philippines, Viet Nam, and our country (as of 2/6/2020 at least 25 countries). The disease is officially named as the Severe Specific Contagious Pneumonia (SSCP) in 1/15/2019 and is a notifiable communicable disease of the 5 category by the Taiwan CDC, the Ministry of Health. SSCP is a potential zoonotic disease with low to moderate (estimated 2-5%) mortality rate. Person-to-person transmission may occur through droplet or contact transmission and jeopardized first-line healthcare workers if lack of stringent infection control or no proper personal protective equipment available. Currently, there is no definite treatment for SSCP although some drugs are under investigation. To promptly identify patients and prevent further spreading, physicians should be aware of travel or contact history for patients with compatible symptoms.

Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19.


Published by

Giuseppe Michieli

I am an Italian blogger, active since 2005 with main focus on emerging infectious diseases such as avian influenza, SARS, antibiotics resistance, and many other global Health issues. Other fields of interest are: climate change, global warming, geological and biological sciences. My activity consists mainly in collection and analysis of news, public services updates, confronting sources and making decision about what are the 'signals' of an impending crisis (an outbreak, for example). When a signal is detected, I follow traces during the entire course of an event. I started in 2005 my blog ''A TIME'S MEMORY'', now with more than 40,000 posts and 3 millions of web interactions. Subsequently I added an Italian Language blog, then discontinued because of very low traffic and interest. I contributed for seven years to a public forum (FluTrackers.com) in the midst of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014, I left the site to continue alone my data tracking job.